Sarita Coe Headshot



Sarita Coe joined Nucleus in March of 2022 as Manager of Finance and Operations, where she is responsible for financial forecasting, budgeting, client billing, accounting record and growth trend analysis and revenue reconciliation. Sarita brings six years of wealth management experience to Nucleus, previously working with U.S. Bank Global Fund Services in both Milwaukee, WI, and Chicago, IL in their mutual funds and alternative investments divisions. Prior to her career in financial services, Sarita earned a dual degree from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee – a Bachelor of Business Administration in Finance and a Bachelor of Arts in Spanish.

Sarita believes in the pursuit of balance and brings both a pragmatic and creative approach to problem solving. Of the five key characteristics of that help define Nucleus’ culture—depth, direction, connection, curiosity and withness™—Sarita most embraces curiosity. Sarita is a beacon of individuality and demonstrates that growth is a byproduct of exploration. Her open-mindedness and empathy foster meaningful, authentic relationships built on unique experiences, shared learning and mutual understanding.

Sarita is a multi-instrumentalist who plays guitar, drums, bass guitar, keyboards, and sings. She believes in the unifying power of music, and is a proud volunteer with Girls Rock!, a 501(c)3 organization that promotes social justice and community for girls, transgender and gender-nonconforming youth through the lens of music. Sarita practices yoga daily and enjoys various genres of dance from Belly to Bachata to Hip Hop. You might also catch her roller-skating down the streets and beaches of Los Angeles, CA.